Abandoned Roller Coasters with Author Sarah Ickes
Author Sarah Ickes joined us for a talk on abandoned theme parks as part of our PROMM summer program the bookshop hosts each year.

Craig Johnson on Tour! (The Longmire Defense)
Mr. Craig Johnson was back in town for another book, The Longmire Defense, and our readers could not wait to see him in person again!

John Gilstrap's Booms and Bangs 101 - Author Event
Thriller Author John Gilstrap stopped by our bookshop to give our readers a presentation on bullets, guns, fire, explosives, etc.

Murder As You Like It Mystery Conference 2023
We were excited to host our FIRST Murder As You Like It mystery conference since 2019 and it was a blast with our readers and authors!

Agatha Christie, She Watched Book Launch
We were delighted to celebrate the book launching of Agatha Christie, She Watched with Authors Teresa and Bill Peschel of Preschel Press.

Agatha Christie, She Watched
Pictured above is author Teresa Peschel beginning her talk on the various film and television adaptions of Hercule Poirot and Miss...

Sweet, But Deadly Zoom (Our Last Event of 2022)
Wow! What a way to end the year off with an Author Zoom that was to die for! (pun intended). We learned so much from these mystery...

Kensington CozyClub Mini-Con East 2022 with Mechanicsburg Mystery Bookshop
Back Row (left to right): Christin Brecher, Sherry Harris, Julia Henry, Misty Simon, Peggy Ehrhart, Darci Hannah Front Row (left to...

Author Visit with Ellen Crosby
After the past two years we have been enduring, it reminded us why in-person events are so special. There is something so great about...

Afternoon Author's Delight
In an awesome zoom event, we were beyond delighted to have three authors give a short talk on their writings and then read a chapter from...