Charity Knit-ins
Between summer and winter last year, we asked for volunteers who would be willing to knit (or crochet) afghan squares. There’s a wonderful woman, Pam Little Sparrow Wingard, in New Orleans who pieces together the squares into afghans. When they are finished she sends them to the Pine Ridge Reservation – home to the Lakota nation. The Lakotas are one of the poorest people.
We are very pleased that we were able to send a total of 398 afghan squares (plus one pair of mittens and one or two headbands) to be assembled. Volunteers knitted 398 squares measuring 6” x 6” and 80 squares that measured 12” x 12” … those are the suggested measurements for the squares. The squares we shipped off were beautiful.
We designated 3 days in the shop during last year for volunteers to come in and knit. Some folks not only knitted at the shop…they knitted at home (or other places) and brought the squares in to us. A few of the knitters donated money to help defray Pam’s costs of shipping the finished afghans to the Reservation. It isn’t expected, but I know she will greatly appreciate the donation as it is quite expensive to ship the finished afghans. We spent $175 shipping the afghan squares. It would have cost $200 but we received a $25 discount because we have a “frequest buyer card.” Thank you Postal Connections!
We are going to do this again in 2019. We hope it is again successful. There are specific guidelines as far as what type of yarn to use and a few other small details. If you are interested, please contact us for further information: 717-795-7470 or
We send out our sincere appreciation to all of the volunteers who helped with this project.