2021 in Review...
Even though we only had one in-person event this past year, it was a good year for us in another way. Due to the technology of the zoom meetings and classes, we were able to host different authors who would not have been able to do an event at our shop under normal circumstances.

Both our staff and customers were introduced to new voices and novels in ways we could not have imagined before COVID intervened. Funny how life takes a course different than what we plan, but sometimes works out in better ways like it had for us in 2021.

Our podcast show Mechanicsburg Mystery Presents..., hosted by author Bill Peschel of Peschel Press, added ten more fascinating episodes! The conversation with these talented authors help us better understand where they get their ideas for the stories that captivate our minds and make their books such a delight to read. We also hope that inspires young authors to continue their writings by listening to our shows.

Our bookshop, located in the middle of a corn field of rural Pennsylvania, has reached out to more people than we thought possible with the pandemic looming over our planet like a darkened cloud. Everything changed and shifted in our lives, but that just meant that we had to adapt our approach. Getting a visit from It Was a Dark and Stormy Book Club was a true treasure. Not to mention their own personal guide, author Misty Simon, is one of the many local authors that stop by our shop for events and personalizations of books. We love getting unexpected visits from reading fans and authors alike!

It was a real joy to see such a wonderful turn out at the PA Tea Festival, hosted by the Rosemary House in downtown Mechanicsburg, and the great appetite for not only tea but books as well. Our guest authors had a splendid time chatting with their readers and we loved discussing their books with our customers. We were beyond thrilled to see some of our customers not only at the festival, but visit us in our shop as well and having a another chance to talk with them. While some things can be done online, there is a unique atmosphere about being around other people that can not be replicated on a screen.

And when so much changes, it makes the stuff that doesn't all the more dear to us. We were excited when we were included in Mr. Johnson's book tour again and always look forward to having him at our shop.
Between the sales and deals, the author events and book discussion groups, everything boils down to our customers as being the foundation as to why we are still around. Without their loyal support, our shop would not still be open and serving our great community for as long as we have. This past year has had its ups and downs in a way that we have not known before, but together we got through it and will do so again! Thank you for a wonderful 2021 as we look towards the future in 2022! #2021inreview #newyear #2022future